Treating Infertility with Homeopathy

Submitted by anne77 Tue 06/16/2009

Homeopathy and other alternative medical practices are effective in treating infertility. If the cause of infertility is not because of a condition that requires surgical correction and if the problem is not because of hormonal or other functional problems, homeopathy is an effective treatment for infertility. Homeopathy has treatments to treat a range of underlying problems that cause infertility. Sepia 6c is used to treat ovulation problems. Silica is used to treat infertility caused by a weakened immune system. Phosphorous calms the mind and helps in treating infertility caused by stress. There are homeopathic medications used to increase the libido in both men and women. For men, Sepia 6c can increase a low sex drive. For impotence in men, medorrhimum is often prescribed by homeopathic practitioners. Since homeopathy is a holistic medical practice, emotional, physical and lifestyle problems that lead to infertility in each individual patient is corrected for treating infertility.

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