This month I did a IUI on 3rd June that time there was 3 eggs. But 17th June I got my period but what is the possibility that all 3 eggs did not have fertile or one or more got fertile.

Submitted by [email protected] Wed 06/17/2009 Tweet

If you started your period, Submitted by Angie on Tue, 06/23/2009 – 09:02. If you started your period, then it’s pretty clear you aren’t pregnant. To be sure, do a pregnancy test. There is no way of knowing if your eggs were fertile or not unless you do an IVF. The health of your eggs can be affected by your lifestyle as well as your age. You do bring up one of the risks of getting pregnant with IUI – the higher chance of multiples! Login or register to post comments Need Help? A Counselor is Waiting

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