My progesterone level last month was 9.5; had iui done 10 days ago and also started prog capsules vaginall. Today my prog test came back at 33. Could the capsules have elev level that much or could it be possibility of pregnancy?

Submitted by babyhopes87 Thu 05/28/2009

Women who receive vaginal Submitted by Angie on Sun, 06/07/2009 – 14:11. Women who receive vaginal administration have significantly higher progesterone levels than women who receive intramuscular administration of progesterone. It is probably a sign you ovulated, but not a great indicator of pregnancy. Gotta wait for the hCG for that one. Good hopes! Angie Login or register to post comments suffering from progesterone Submitted by maria anderson on Wed, 09/30/2009 – 07:13. suffering from progesterone now i am using prozestra its benefiting me can u suggest some else where i get more benefit. Login or register to post comments

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