How to become a fertility nurse

Submitted by Shelby D Burns Wed 01/09/2013

Nurse To become a fertility nurse, you must complete a bachelor of science, associate’s degree or a nursing diploma program. The degree of certification will be determined by the level of education attained by the nurse. Licensing, professional experience in the field of infertility and certification are also required.

Fertility nurses help patients understand the causes of infertility and possible treatments for men and women. BS in Nursing First, you should enroll in a state board of nursing accredited bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) program.

Finish pre-nursing coursework by the third year of study: chemistry, anatomy and physiology, nutrition, developmental psychology, microbiology and statistics. Schedule your nursing coursework and clinical rotations for the third and fourth year.

Graduate! Second, register for the National Council for Licensure Examination – Registered Nurse. Receive your clearance after a background check and credentialing. Take your exam. Finally, attain at least two years of work experience with 2000 hours in reproductive endocrinology/infertility nursing.

Prepare for the certification exam. Associate Degree in Nursing/Diploma Looks for state board of nursing accredited associate degree in nursing and diploma programs close to where you are. ADN and diploma programs follow the same curriculum plan and offer similar career opportunities.

The difference between the two is in name only. Certification for ADN/diploma and BSN graduates is the same. Admittedly, career opportunities for BSN graduates are greater due to the level of education attained by those nurses. Try to finish the nursing prerequisites during the first year of study and complete all coursework by the end of the second year.

Second, register for the National Council for Licensure Examination – Registered Nurse after graduation. Receive your clearance after a background check and credentialing. Take your exam. Finally, after two years of work, register for the reproductive endocrinology/infertility nursing certification examination.

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