How fast does 100mg of clomid work to become pregnant?

Submitted by tracy barnaby Wed 05/26/2010 Login to post comments Tracy – great question. Submitted by Angie on Thu, 05/27/2010 – 04:18. Tracy – great question. Unfortunately no easy answers exist. Some women become pregant on their first cycle of Clomid, others on their third for fourth cycle. Clomid is not a long-term solution for trying to get pregnant – most experts say six months is the longest you should be on it before exploring other options. If you have PCOS, adding Metformin often increases your likelihood of getting pregnant. Two other important points: you still have to time intercourse really well. If you ovulate, but miss the window of opportunity, it’s a wasted month. So learn your body – from cervical mucus to temperature reading – and be confident you’re taking advantage of every chance. Also, some physicians will prescribe Clomid without ruling out other problems – like male factor issues. Doing a sperm anaylysis needs to be one of the first things you do simply because ovulating won’t do you much good if your partner’s sperm has significant issues. Good luck! Login to post comments Need Help? A Counselor is Waiting All Sessions Start for Free – Click below to get started

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