How does diabetes affect a woman’s fertility?

Submitted by del Fri 02/06/2009

Tweet Women who suffer from diabetes may find it difficult to conceive and if and when they do, they may face complications in their pregnancy. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are known to cause infertility and increase the risk of miscarriage. In type 1 diabetes women’s ovaries are sometimes attacked by the antibodies produced by their immune system. Damaged ovaries can make it difficult for a woman to conceive and in some cases may even lead to the onset of premature menopause. Moreover, controlling one’s blood sugar levels becomes difficult in case of type 2 diabetes and high blood sugar levels can harm the baby in early weeks of pregnancy. This could lead to a miscarriage, birth defects in the baby and in some cases even still born deliveries. Type 2 diabetes is known to cause a hormonal imbalance leading to irregular menstruation cycles and infertility. The good news, however, is that in most cases both the conditions can be managed with proper medical care and attention. Login or register to post comments

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