Fertility Tests

Fertility tests are tests that men and women can undergo to understand why a woman cannot become pregnant. At what point you should begin fertility testing depends on a number of factors, including whether either partner has conceived before, her age, and how long the couple has been trying. Fertility tests can be done in a doctor’s office, at home, or in a laboratory setting. Ideally, fertility tests can identify the problems preventing pregnancy so that fertility treatment can overcome that particular area of concern.

At home fertility tests include ovulation predictor kits, BBT charts, and the OV watch. A semen analysis is a common test generally done in a lab, but some testing products are sold in pharmacies. They are very limited in what they check for.

Blood tests can be done to evaluate hormone levels and to detect the possibility of infections. Probing fertility tests must be done in a doctor’s office or hospital setting an include everything from ultrasounds to endometrial biopsies and laporascopy.

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