Econd hand smoke affects fertility of women

Submitted by del Sun 01/18/2009

Tweet A recent study conducted revealed that women who were exposed to second hand smoke have strong chances of failing to get pregnant or suffer miscarriages in the future. According to the study conducted on 4,800 non-smoking women exposed to second hand smoke 68 percent of them have a hard time getting pregnant and suffers miscarriages. Luke J. Peppone, Ph.D., research assistant professor of Rochester’s James P. Wilmot Cancer Center who conducted the research said the data they gathered is one of the pieces of evidence, which shows that second hand smoke affects the fertility of women. Peppone explained breathing the smoke has lasting effects, especially for women when they are ready for children. Based on the study, those women who participated in the survey revealed they have been exposed to second hand smoke for a considerable amount of time in a regular basis. The result of the study further validated that smoking to more than nearly 90 percent of all deadly lung cancers and 30 percent of all cancer deaths in the U.S., and a host of other health problems is bad for the body. With the ill effects it offers to the body, the government and non-government organizations have bonded together to ask people to quit the habit to protect their health. This latest study on the negative effects of second smoke to women should compel the government and the anti-smoking groups to work further to protect to educate the public on the harmful effects of smoking to women. Persons who smoke in different parts of the world should use this significant medical news as motivation to do their best to stop smoking for the sake of their love ones. Smokers must be more responsible for their actions by avoiding smoking in places where there are pregnant women to avoid placing these people at risk. Women especially those who are pregnant for their part must avoid getting in contact with smokers to protect their baby from harm. The global tobacco business is a multi-billion dollar industry and already part of the culture of people. However, despite of what it brings to the economy the government, anti-smoking groups, and the public must exert more efforts to eradicate or reduce smoking for the sake of the general welfare of both smokers and non-smokers.

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