Does subutex affect prolactin levels

Submitted by dawn Mon 04/27/2009

Subutex (or buprenorphine Submitted by Angie on Tue, 05/12/2009 – 09:31. Subutex (or buprenorphine hydrochloride) is a drug to treat opiate dependence. I cannot locate any research on its effect of prolactin levels, but want to take a few minutes and talk about subutex and pregnancy. If you are pregnant, taking an opiate substitution medication may be approporiate in some circumstances. Research shows it can ??to reduce harmful opioid and other drug use; ??to improve the health of clients; ??to help reduce the spread of blood-borne communicable diseases associated with injecting opioid use; ??to reduce maternal and infant deaths associated with opioid use; ??to reduce crime associated with opioid use; ??to facilitate an improvement in social functioning; ??to prevent drug related harms occurring to pregnant women and their babies; ??to assist the establishment of bonding between the mother and child; That does not mean it is right for everyone, or that subutex is the best choice. However, if you are trying to conceive and currently withdrawing from heroin use, please wait. Give your body some time to heal and recuperate. Talk with a medical professional who is experienced in maternal-fetal health and drug addiction before making any family-building decisions. Login to post comments Subutex (or buprenorphine Submitted by Angie on Tue, 05/12/2009 – 09:31. Subutex (or buprenorphine hydrochloride) is a drug to treat opiate dependence. I cannot locate any research on its effect of prolactin levels, but want to take a few minutes and talk about subutex and pregnancy. If you are pregnant, taking an opiate substitution medication may be approporiate in some circumstances. Research shows it can ??to reduce harmful opioid and other drug use; ??to improve the health of clients; ??to help reduce the spread of blood-borne communicable diseases associated with injecting opioid use; ??to reduce maternal and infant deaths associated with opioid use; ??to reduce crime associated with opioid use; ??to facilitate an improvement in social functioning; ??to prevent drug related harms occurring to pregnant women and their babies; ??to assist the establishment of bonding between the mother and child; That does not mean it is right for everyone, or that subutex is the best choice. However, if you are trying to conceive and currently withdrawing from heroin use, please wait. Give your body some time to heal and recuperate. Talk with a medical professional who is experienced in maternal-fetal health and drug addiction before making any family-building decisions. Login to post comments Need Help? A Counselor is Waiting All Sessions Start for Free – Click below to get started

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