Confused! Pregnancy with IVF after two tube removal?

Tweet My new RE said that if my tubes are damaged that he wanted to take my tubes out 😯 before doing IVF. I know this may sound stupid :oops:, but can someone ovulate with no tubes? Would we have to use donated eggs? RE said that we’d have a better chance with IVF to remove damaged tubes beforehand. Have any of you heard of this? I thought your tubes played an important role in ovulation. Am I wrong? I hope I am because my husband isn’t willing to use donated eggs.

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Submitted by zouk on Fri, 09/19/2008 – 14:27.

Yes you can ovulate, your eggs are still there in the ovaries. Problem is that ovulating with no tubes will get you nowhere UNLESS you do IVF. Not to worry, tho. With IVF they bypass the tubes completely. They just remove the eggs from the ovaries manually and place them in the uterus once one or two have fertilized. Your kids will still look like you and your husband. I just had it done 4 months ago and am quite happily pregnant with twins, and a friend of mine just got her first BFP with IVF the other day, tho she did it without having her tubes removed. — Zouk Login to post comments Congrads on the twins.

For Submitted by Wan2BAHPYParent on Sun, 09/21/2008 – 01:35.

Congrads on the twins. For sure tubes and ovaries serve to different functions.

Submitted by JennLB125 on Mon, 10/06/2008 – 10:18.

My DH and I have been married 11 years and have been TTC since day 1. We have been unable to afford IVF and have just learned that my DH’s new insurance covers 1 IVF cycle per lifetime. So, we are trying it!! The problem is, we only have one chance to get a BFP. My laparoscopy to remove my tubes is scheduled for Wednesday, October 8th. MY RE said to call his office 2 weeks after my surgery and he’ll schedule an appointment for me and DH to come to the office and go over my med schedule for IVF and learn how to do the shots in the stomach. 🙁 I don’t like needles, but if it means a BFP then I’ll do about anything. If I may ask, are you around my age? I am 34 and DH is 33. Was this your first IVF?

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