Ayurvedic Treatment for Infertility

Submitted by Kate Seldman Thu 04/28/2011

Ayurvedic medicine has a special branch that deals with infertility: it’s known as Vajikarana. The word “vaji” means “horse,” so Vajikarana means “to make one potent like a horse.” Ayurveda focuses on balancing three elemental energies within the body: Vata, or wind; Pitta, or fire and water; and Kapha, or water and earth. These elements come into play during the menstrual cycle. The kapha phase encompasses the end of your period until ovulation. Kapha is said to be increasing during this time. The pitta phase lasts from ovulation until menstruation. The vata phase occurs during menstruation. During this phase, Apana vayu (the downward descending wind) pushes the menstrual blood down and out of the uterus. If there are any imbalances in these three phases within the menstrual cycle, fertility can be affected. During the vata phase, or your period, you can stay balanced by relaxing, resting, keeping your abdomen warm, avoiding the cold, and staying calm. In the kapha phase, eat soups, beets, aloe vera, nettles and whole grains to promote ovulation. Balance the pitta phase by avoiding foods and drinks that may create heat in your body, such as coffee, alcohol and chocolate. Spicy, salty and hot foods will inhibit the formation of tissue in the uterus where the egg implants. Often, according to ayurvedic medicine, apana vayu is blocked, which leads to pain, irregular cycles, very light or very heavy periods, and infertility. Ayurvedic practitioners will treat this blockage by making sure you are not constipated, and ensuring you’re not experiencing pain during ovulation or menstruation. They’ll prescribe aloe vera and triphala, or “three fruits,” an ayurvedic herbal body cleansing formulation. One ayurvedic specialist advises that you take aloe vera juice from day 7 of your cycle until day 21. Next, ayurvedic practitioners suggest massaging the abdomen in a clockwise motion for five minutes a day, using warm sesame oil. Take a warm bath or shower afterward. These practices will increase blood flow to the pelvic area. Drink rose water to help the uterus become a hospitable environment for an egg to implant. Tea made with fennel seeds, liquorice, saffron and fresh ginger will also promote fertility. Ayurvedic doctors prescribe several herbs for male infertility. Many of these herbs have ayurvedic names as well as their traditional herbal names: for example, gokshura is tribulis terrestris, and guduchi is tinosporia cordifolia. These herbs can remedy what ayurvedic practitioners see as blockages preventing fertility. Ashwagandha, or withania somniferia, and kapikacchu (mucuna pruriens) are suggested for low sperm count or motility issues.

HI,I am 32 years old.My wt is

Submitted by nicky on Sat, 05/07/2011 – 05:10.

HI,I am 32 years old.My wt is 72kg & height 5 feet 4.5inch.i have no issue.i took letrozole tablet for 5 days.these medication causes delay menstration &after 35days my menstration starts.My FsH Level is 11.17,Lh is 4.15,TSH & prolactin is normal at 2nd day of menstration.doctor said diminished ovarian reserve & advice me to do hysterosulphingogram.is any medication available to increased ovarian reserve?my husband also suffering from asthenospermia.his sperm motility(30%),count-120million.can i conceive naturally without doing IVF?Is loosing weight helpful for me? — nicky

Hello, My Wife is suffering

Submitted by rojos on Tue, 05/17/2011 – 04:05.

Hello, My Wife is suffering from irregular menustrtion and poor ovarian reserve. Let me know is there any doctor prescribed medicine to treat poor ovaraian reserve. To treat irregular menustration she is taking M2Tone herbal syrup.

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