Assisted Reproduction Techniques

The following articles look at different treatments and methods available for Assisted Reproduction Techniques.

In vitro Fertilization (IVF) Techniques

The procedure of IVF begins with drugs and hormones, used to stimulate a woman’s ovaries into producing mature eggs. Those eggs are then retrieved from her ovaries and mixed with male sperm in a laboratory to achieve fertilization.

The resulting embryo is then put directly into the woman’s uterus, with the hope that it will attach to the uterine wall and begin to develop.

Is PGD for You? Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis is not simply one test, but a combination of techniques administered by highly skilled embryologists, and scientists who specialize in embryo development. It allows an embryologist to view the genetic makeup of a single cell from an embryo created with IVF.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

The procedure takes the place of a sperm fertilizing the egg by itself; in ICSI a woman undergoes IVF and specialists literally inject a sperm into the egg with a microinjector.

As such, this procedure is often, but not always, used to treat male infertility, specifically disorders relating to the testes and sperm production.

Assisted Zona Hatching (AZH)

Following conception, the blastocyst ‘hatches’ out of the tough shell surrounding it, called the zona pellucida.

This is necessary for it to attach to the uterine wall and begin to receive oxygen and other nutrients from the mother. Sometimes, the blastocyst can’t hatch from the tough zona pellucida because it’s too tough, effectively disabling the embryo.

Autologous Endometrial Coculture (AEC)

AEC is a technique involving IVF that tries to create a more natural environment in the laboratory for the development of the embryo. Following fertilization in the IVF lab, the embryo is placed on a layer of cells previously removed from the woman’s own uterine lining before being transferred to the uterus.

The idea is that the uterine cells help promote the proper development of the embryo. does not make treatment recommendations for Assisted Reproduction Techniques nor dispense medical advice; only a physician or health care provider is qualified to determine the proper treatment for any patient.

The following treatment options are presented for general education purposes only.

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