A Catholic Response to Infertility

Submitted by Angie Thu 03/11/2010

Or should I say, several different Catholic responses to infertility. While there is some agreement on official Catholic doctrine regarding infertility treatment, there are a number of people from this faith tradition who have addressed fertility issues in many different ways. Here are some resources that may prove helpful for you: Catholic Infertility This is a good place to begin. It’s a pretty slim site, but it does offer teachings, Scripture, information on support groups and other helpful information. http://www.catholicinfertility.org/ Pope Paul VI Institute The Pope Paul VI Institute is the only Catholic Institution of its type in the United States and perhaps the world that has dedicated its services to the development of morally and professionally acceptable reproductive health services. To find out more, go to: http://www.popepaulvi.com/about.htm All Ye Who Have Hope blog One woman’s story of infertility and adoption http://allyouwhohope.blogspot.com/ This Cross I Embrace blog A journey through infertility Catholic-style http://thiscrossiembrace.blogspot.com/ Catholic Infertility UK A UK site presenting one couple’s struggle, as well as forums, Scripture and other resources. http://catholicinfertility.co.uk/
Submitted by simone on Wed, 05/12/2010 – 12:40.
New York’s new Gianna Center for Women offers effective treatment for infertility and recurrent miscarriage using NaPro Technology, an alternative to IVF. The Gianna approach in completely in line with Catholic Church teaching and allows a couple to conceive naturally, with success rate which are comparable to other methods. The Gianna Center also offers pro-life obstetrics, gynecology and general medical care for women. To schedule an appointment with a NaPro Technology physician, please call the Gianna Center at 212-481-1219 or visit www.giannahealth.org Also try http://simone-perseverance.blogspot.com/
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